My name is Annabelle. I identify as French American, white and straight. I am abled bodied, agnostic, gen Xer, on the gender continuum and neuro divergent (ADD/HSP). I was born in France and moved to the United States in my early 20s. I have 2 cats.
I like A well written story. The light at sunrise and sunset. Paddling on a lake.
I dislike Shopping malls. Crowded places. Styrofoam.
Why the Octopus
Octopuses live most of their lives in isolation, although they can be very social, when they choose to be. Octopuses chose what and whom they want to hang out with
Octopuses love exploring and are very curious. They use their tentacles to feel the world around them, while staying safe.
Octopuses are escape artists, they are also chameleons, and can blend in with their environment. However they use those skills to grow and adapt while staying uniquely themselves
If one of their tentacles get cut, they grow it back. They carry the scars of life while working around it and remain their fascinating selves.